Going farther

Back when I was studying for the bar, I followed several IG accounts of celebrities, including Kim Chiu, Jake Cuenca and Beth Tamayo. These three are all runners, and so seeing their posts about their runs made me very interested in running as well. Years have passed and I never really got to it.

Until last year. It started with me having the chance to talk to one of the partners in the firm I work in. He introduced me to the Dream Marathon, which was the first marathon he ran. It is also a marathon designed for beginners. During that time, I didn’t even consider running the full 42. I just wanted to run a half because I thought that was the best I can do.

Some weeks after that, my lawschool blockmate suddenly invited me to sign up for the Dream Marathon, since applications just started. I told him I’m pretty sure I can’t do a 42, so I’ll wait til the next day before signing up.

A week after that, I was informed that I didn’t make the cut. And I felt so disappointed? That I was so indecisive and that I doubted myself so I signed up later than I could have.

And then a week after that, I was part of the batch that got in after being waitlisted. I was so happy.

I joined a 10k after with my boyfriend. This was the longest distance I’ve ran EVER at that point.

And now. Two weeks from today. I’ll be running my first ever marathon.

The past few months have been a series of intentional actions. I adjusted how I ate, how I moved. I dedicated my weekends to long runs. My previous goal of half marathon? I’ve ran that distance alone at least four times now. In fact I’ve ran longer distances.

I found myself enjoying the alone time and embracing the rigors on the body, especially since I feel much stronger after running. Of course, that’s not to say that I’ve never felt lazy or that I was always stronger than before. I’ve slacked off and been injured so many times. But there’s just something about feeling great whenever I defeat the lazy in me and find myself in the middle of a long run.

It has been a journey, from my bar reviewing, celebrity stalking self lol. I hope to the heavens that I finish the entire marathon within the time limit.


(Latin; "blessed")
A Journalism student in UP Diliman who loves adventures, conversations, and new experiences. She tends to overthink things (hence, the blog name), observe excessively, and ask a lot of questions to find out as much as she can about life. :-)